看板 NY-Yankees
https://t.co/s58gA8Usm0 Yankees ace Gerrit Cole will be out at least one-to-two months and will head to Los Angeles for an appointment with noted sports surgeon Dr. Neal ElAttrache, Th e Post has learned. 扣哥將至少缺席1-2個月 並前往洛杉磯看醫生 Several Yankees doctors and ElAttrache have viewed Cole’s preliminary film, and while none has detected a tear in his ulnar collateral ligament, there’s enoug h concern about the ligament that ElAttrache has suggested an in-person visit. 扣哥初步的檢查報告是沒發現韌帶撕裂的情況 Word is that the defending AL Cy Young Award winner will be out for an “extende d period,” although for now, the hope and belief is that Cole has a chance to r eturn sometime in May or early June 是希望有機會能五、六月回歸 The initial readings of Cole earlier in the week were optimistic, with the belie f the issue could be resolved with rest and other conservative treatments, but E lAttrache has recommended more testing, raising the level of worry 初步檢查結果是樂觀的,認為問題可以通過休息和其他保守治療來解決 只不過醫生建議要做多一點檢查 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1710350681.A.C13.html
travis915117: 希望真的沒事03/14 01:26
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 03/14/2024 01:26:46
jeVrana : 扣哥辛苦了03/14 01:45
richard1003 : 韌帶沒撕裂,所以到底是什麼傷?03/14 01:51
https://x.com/brendankutynj/status/1767968505230467371 Source says no tear for Gerrit Cole shown on MRI but there was inflammation/sore ness and that Cole wanted to get a deeper look at the elbow to figure out what’ s going on. Not the worst news for the Yankees. 有發炎,扣哥本人也想多檢查
zzs123344 : 幸好沒事03/14 01:54
zzs123344 : 發炎之類的嗎?03/14 01:54
Chricey : 搞笑吧!關節痛,你能嚴重點嗎?我要讓你知道什麼叫真正的痛! 03/14 01:54
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 03/14/2024 01:54:55 ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 03/14/2024 01:56:19
lin512 : 好險 03/14 02:01
ganhua : 沒撕裂就是好事,保重 03/14 02:24
grliu : 謝天謝地 03/14 02:26
z904612 : 希望能快點回來 沒撕裂已經是很棒的結果了 03/14 03:09
Chricey : 喔喔喔,UC2 真的是超讚的啦 03/14 03:09
max011060 : 希望沒事 03/14 03:58
thb96300 : 沒事就好 03/14 05:32
appshjkli : 初步結果而已 03/14 05:33
appshjkli : 幾個月也都是猜想 等LA醫生看完才有更清楚的結果 03/14 05:34
Chricey : 搞笑吧!關節痛,你能嚴重點嗎?我要讓你知道什麼叫真正的痛! 03/14 05:34
bingreen : 希望是好消息…不然扣跟阿吉都躺,我基戰力大減 03/14 05:57
helmet10845 : 不能簽Baur嗎QQ 03/14 06:10
es9114ian : 這已經是最好的結果了,謝天謝地 03/14 06:28
accjm2440 : 好險 03/14 07:02
Chricey : 關節痛按摩有效嗎? 03/14 07:02
es9114ian : Cease去教士了 03/14 07:18
Hitimothy : 不考慮簽回芒果嗎@@ 03/14 07:21
Movice : 先猜一個都不會簽 03/14 07:29
cphs102007 : 萬幸 03/14 07:52
Kroner : 關節痛睡覺就能治了,吃什麼UC2 03/14 07:52
es9114ian : Thrope又被當作包裹被送去白襪 03/14 07:58
Alexander13 : 不出Jones果然換不到 03/14 08:00
Alexander13 : 什麼都不簽就得靠小朋友了 03/14 08:01
yuwen51 : 主菜是Thorpe,等於教士用Soto換回King+Cease感覺好 03/14 08:07
Chricey : 看到有人提到關節痛,我就想到有一篇UC2推薦的文章 03/14 08:07
yuwen51 : 像不錯.. 03/14 08:07
zxc906383 : https://i.imgur.com/3OI9vAh.jpg 03/14 08:19
cole45 : 去跟守護者談Shane Bieber看看吧 03/14 08:19
bailey0716 : Jones就是一個未知的未來,不利用有Soto的今年好好 03/14 08:29
Chricey : 有人用過中醫針灸治療關節痛的嗎?效果如何? 03/14 08:29
bailey0716 : 拼一下,就只能期待他未來能打出好的成績了 03/14 08:29
kenro : Jones別賣是對的,養起來也是未來很重要戰力 03/14 08:41
lightmei : 好加在 03/14 08:45
lightmei : 左Judge如果沒傷病問題絕對是真貨 03/14 08:49
Chricey : 不動對關節最好,拎北都躺著 03/14 08:49
RodrigueZ810: 不幸中的大幸 03/14 09:27
loveandy58 : … 03/14 11:24
ceckyo : 好好保養比較重要 03/14 11:59
jwptt : 像去年Eovaldi是最好,也是手臂疲勞休一個月回來季 03/14 12:25
Kroner : 想問一下有沒有關節痛的運動禁忌?怕動得更嚴重… 03/14 12:25
jwptt : 後賽還能投 03/14 12:25