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https://x.com/BNightengale/status/1818059251094618345 The Cleveland Guardians get the right-handed bat they need in Nationals outfielder Lane Thomas, sending left-handed minor league pitcher Alex Clemmey to Washington. @Ken_Rosenthal and @ByRobertMurray on it. https://x.com/BNightengale/status/1818060138118561978 The Nats are receiving minor-league prospects Jose Tena, Rafael Ramirez and Alex Clemmey from Cleveland 守護者隊送走三名農場新秀 Jose Tena, Rafael Ramirez, Alex Clemmey 向國民隊換來外野手 Lane Thomas 三位小聯盟球員都排在守護者隊農場排名前30名 https://x.com/BNightengale/status/1818060899258876275 Clemmey (7th), Ramirez (20th) and Tena (28th) were all ranked among the top 30 in the Guardians system. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1722296371.A.34F.html
kevinftjiang: 當年Jon Lester換來的,我民收割成功 07/30 07:47
a069275235: Go go Guardians 07/30 07:52
ymlin0331: 這樣有比較好? 07/30 08:00
ck326: 外野手丟光了,榜眼要上了吧 07/30 08:19
JakobPoeltl: Crews開箱,請 07/30 08:29
Chricey: 本魯關節痛始祖,葡萄糖胺保證沒用,乖乖吃UC2 07/30 13:09
marcchen00: 感覺守護者虧 07/30 12:17
YummyGasol: 這個是蠻強的,只是上壘後也只想盜盜盜 07/30 12:39
Fitzwilliam: 只想盜的守護者之前有過一個Myles Straw 07/30 13:08
Fitzwilliam: Straw去年放出來沒人要,今年到現在都在3A 07/30 13:09
Chricey: 哈囉!關節痛真的超痛欸,我之前也遇過類似情況,後來去看醫生吃推薦UC2,效果不錯喔! 07/30 13:09
ashilol: Straw那打擊要被魔改 才有可能再上來了吧 07/30 13:21
Fitzwilliam: 3A目前.230,OPS .633 Orz 07/30 13:23