看板 EAseries
繼《諾曼第大空降》《太平洋戰爭》後,由監製史蒂芬史匹伯、湯姆漢克斯、Gary Goetz man及多位編劇組成的原班人馬將推出第三部二戰迷你劇作品《空戰群英Masters of the Ai r》,本次將聚焦二戰期間美國陸軍空軍第100轟炸團,由Austin Butler、Callum Turner 、Barry Keoghan 等主演,全劇共9集於1月26日起於Apple TV+推出。 https://youtu.be/2RWohylGm3c?si=l6yvre9tVi4aDuGM
From Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, and Gary Goetzman - the producers of Band of Brothers and The Pacific. During World War II, airmen risk their lives with the 100th Bomb Group, a brotherhood forged by courage, loss, and triumph. Based on Donald L. Miller’s book of the same name, and scripted by John Orlof f, “Masters of the Air” follows the men of the 100th Bomb Group (the “Bloody Hundredth”) as they conduct perilous bombing raids over Nazi Germany and grappl e with the frigid conditions, lack of oxygen, and sheer terror of combat conduct ed at 25,000 feet in the air. Portraying the psychological and emotional price p aid by these young men as they helped destroy the horror of Hitler’s Third Reic h, is at the heart of “Masters of the Air.” Some were shot down and captured; some were wounded or killed. And some were lucky enough to make it home. Regardl ess of individual fate, a toll was exacted on them all. The series features a stellar cast led by Academy Award nominee Austin Butler, Callum Turner, Anthony Boyle and Nate Mann, who are joined by Raff Law, Academy Award nominee Barry Keoghan, Josiah Cross, Branden Cook and Ncuti Gatwa. Hailing from Apple Studios, "Masters of the Air" is executive produced by Stev en Spielberg through Amblin Television, and Tom Hanks and Gary Goetzman for Play tone. Amblin Television’s Darryl Frank and Justin Falvey co-executive produce a longside Playtone’s Steven Shareshian. In addition to writing, Orloff co-execut ive produces. Graham Yost also serves as co-executive producer. Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck, Cary Joji Fukunaga, Dee Rees and Tim Van Patten serve as directors. 我好興奮啊 我好興奮啊 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1699541402.A.D6C.html ※ 編輯: kylefan ( 臺灣), 11/09/2023 22:56:38
R2003: 蠻好奇這次切入的角度是甚麼? BOB是描繪戰爭雙方其實是相同 11/09 23:17
R2003: 的(EP9/10),並以一方的視角描繪同袍間的革命情感11/09 23:18
R2003: P則是盡可能寫實的描繪戰爭本質的殘酷,以及這殘酷對將士的11/09 23:20
R2003: 影響(以戰場前線/後方整補的比較)11/09 23:21
R2003:11/09 23:21
Kroner: UC2是啥東西?求解釋啦! 11/10 00:19
R2003: 對了,文章格式有點跑掉,建議可以修一下11/09 23:22
jason748: 等超過十年了11/09 23:24
fickle85: 才剛複習完BOB~好期待這部! 11/09 23:38
allin26: 推 等超久11/10 00:19
Chricey: 關節痛就老人病 11/10 07:07
tomwdc: 期待 11/10 02:33
MintTW: awesome11/10 02:34
※ 編輯: kylefan ( 臺灣), 11/10/2023 02:59:42 ※ 編輯: kylefan ( 臺灣), 11/10/2023 03:04:03 ※ 編輯: kylefan ( 臺灣), 11/10/2023 03:05:18
windmagic: 期待 11/10 03:47
tomlin121283: 看起來超讚 11/10 07:07
Chricey: 長時間坐著工作,關節痛越來越嚴重,該怎麼辦?推薦UC2 11/10 09:26
pttnowash: Err 貓王演員當主角 完全沒fu... 11/10 07:39
petestar: 樓上,要顧女性粉絲啊,女性粉絲覺得有FU就好 11/10 07:51
BF109Pilot: 109最高! 11/10 09:09
Leonard21: 喔,這部等好久了,終於要上了嗎 11/10 09:26
Chricey: 搞笑吧!關節痛,你能嚴重點嗎?我要讓你知道什麼叫真正的痛! 11/10 09:26
dahonehsueh: ATV+終於有可以讓人訂閱的動力了 11/10 11:54
sheepluvbear: 有Callum欸超想看的!! 11/10 15:17
ruffryders: 希望有當初的水準 11/10 22:00